
Place holder.

Well, the images are being hidden (the punchline, that is)

So i'm using up space to push them down where they can be seen.

So stop reading this and go down.



Maybe I should post?

No one reads this drivel... i think. Especially since I haven't posted anything. But now that I'm venturing alot into the Online Poker Experience.. maybe i need a journal to clear my thoughts. Like why everytime i get my bankroll to 90 bucks, it suddenly takes a nosedive... stablilzes around 60, and just sits there. At least I haven't lost any money (actually, any of MY money) to the fish... so i guess its a learning experience.

Now for a brief summary of my poker experience so far...

(BTW, I play the role of the dad and the son...)

(though I do think I have more judgement than him.. though the bottom option may be for me..)

To be continued...

(Foxtrot.com ---> the site for one of the best comics for geeks like.. um.. me.)